Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Here comes the sun...

Winter depresses me. I am not a winter person, and never will be. I hardly ever get to enjoy all of the activities that make winter worthwhile (which in my mind is just skiing) and mostly I just suffer through the miserable cold and grey skies.

By February every year I start to get very depressed by it all. I actually get upset and angry that it's still so cold and snowy. By March, I'm ready to pick up and leave Canada forever. That's why, the day that it finally smells and feels like spring, I'm ecstatic. And summer, well that's even better.

Today is that day. Today is a day where I walked as slow as possible so I could stay outside longer, where I decided to walk to the grocery store instead of busing. Today is a day that only the Beatles can truly capture.

Here comes the sun, little darling. Here comes the sun. And I say, it's all right....

1 comment:

Fae said...

Couldn't agree more.